Research outputs

The scientific research activity of the teaching staff aims at providing the faculty and the university with recognition as a representative institution in the field of social sciences at regional, national and European level.
The scientific research directions are included in the strategic and operational plan of the Faculty of Sociology and Communication, in the plan of the Research Centre Communication and Social Innovation (within the Research & Development Institute), respectively in that of Transilvania University of Brașov.

For the past five years, the Faculty of Sociology and Communication has coordinated an international project funded by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism “Domestic violence and gender-based violence”; a research project funded by national programmes Work motivation and work culture - redefining equity theory constructs in Romanian cultural context (project type RU-PD); nine contracts with socio-economic partners; a project financed by structural funds. Currently, the Faculty of Sociology and Communication is a member of the project Experiments and large-scale simulations for the second generation of FuturICT funded by the PNC III programme - European and International Cooperation ERANET-FLAG, it coordinates three internally-funded projects, one won in the competition “Grants for young researchers” and two in the competition “Grants for interdisciplinary teams”.
The teaching staff carries out scientific research activities that are capitalized through recognized publications in specialized journals or publishing houses in the country and abroad, through scientific papers presented at conferences, symposia, seminars, etc. in the country and abroad. In the last five years, 10 articles have been published in scientific journals indexed in the Web of Science (with an impact factor higher than 0.1); 17 books in recognized publishing houses (of which 6 in international publishing houses); over 80 articles in indexed journals in at least two databases recognized by the specialized CNATDCU commission.