Master's degree


Study programmes

The fundamental field - Social Sciences, the field of master's degree studies - Social Assistance, duration of studies - 2 years (120 ECTS credits). This study programme aims to improve a system of competences for research in the field of social work and community development. Graduates of this master's programme will develop their ability to apply theories and methodology specific to the field of research in community development such as diagnoses of the system of services and social programmes, community profiling, development of an intervention plan at community or group level, implementation and monitoring action plans at community level, developing a model for the efficient management and promotion of community services. Practical skills for working with marginalized groups and different categories of assisted populations will also be developed.


Perspectives after graduation: the occupational fields targeted by the graduates of this programme will be mainly in the field of social and health services, public services, community development. Graduates will be able to hold positions of counsellors in public or private institutions, social workers - higher level, heads of services in public institutions, etc.

- Curriculum
- Syllabus

The master's field in which this study programme integrates is Sociology. The duration of studies is 2 years (120 ECTS credits). The aim of the master's degree is to offer an in-depth theoretical and practical training, materialized in the formation of useful instrumental-applicative skills both from the perspective of insertion on the labour market and for the development of scientific research capabilities in the field of social sciences and communication. The master's programme in Branding Campaign Management will develop graduates’ skills in managing interpersonal relationships when working in a team carrying out projects dealing with public persons’ communication, organizations and brands of products or services. Completion of this programme of study enables graduates to approach several professions in the field of social sciences and communication.


Perspectives after graduation: specialists (senior expert and management, including for the top management level, respectively director / manager of public relations) able to promote public relations products, to manage communication in crisis situations and to work in multidisciplinary teams based on principles of efficiency and professional ethics.

- Curriculum
- Syllabus

The fundamental field - Social sciences, the field of master's degree studies - Sociology, duration of studies - 2 years (120 ECTS credits). This master's degree programme offers the skills for a senior expert in human resource management. It addresses graduates from diverse undergraduate areas. The experience of the graduates so far indicates most of them graduated successfully irrespective of the bachelor’s degree programme they attended previously: human resource management and sociology, graduates in psychology, economics, letters, law, education sciences, European studies, engineering, mathematics-computer science, military sciences.


Perspectives after graduation: Postgraduates can be employed as senior expert in any of the fields of human resource management; staff management for the human resources, including for top management level (director / manager / vice president in HR). Alternatively, postgraduates can establish their own business as economic agent or NGO, but also including free lancing as provider of human resource management services on a market in full expansion and diversification.

- Curriculum
- Syllabus