Facilitating civic involvement in the field of cultural and historical heritage

CultHera project is implemented in a partnership that brings together six countries: Transilvania University of Brasov (coordinator), University of Zagreb (Croația), Universita Politecnica delle Marche (Italia), Universidade da Madeira (Portugalia), Foundation for the Development of International and Educational Activity – FRAME (Polonia) and Pax Rhodopica Foundation (Bulgaria).

The general objective of CultHera is to enhance the competencies of university staff to facilitate the civic engagement of cultural and historical heritage in the urban and suburban environment as a way to raise awareness of and understand better the common EU values, principles and concepts of common & shared future.

To achieve this goal, the project will include several support materials for teaching as the Training Pack (Handbook on CHH; Manual on CHH), CultHera Model for an integrated approach to cultural & historical heritage socialization & management in urban and suburban environment, CultHera Guidebook for mentors, Strategy for civic engagement in the socialization of cultural & historical heritage in the urban and suburban environment.

More information is available on: http://www.culthera.eu/