Launch of the Erasmus + programme higher education strategic partnership project at Vilniaus kolegija / University of Applied Sciences and Transilvania University of Brasov, partner of the project

The Faculty of Economics of Vilniaus Kolegija/ University of Applied Sciences launched on 8th of February 2022 with a Kick-Off meeting the Erasmus + program higher education strategic partnership project – “Digital readiness and capacity building of humanities professors in universities through partnership with digital technologies companies” (No. 2021-1-LT-01-KA220-HED-000031124).

The project involves partners from six countries: Lithuania, Poland (Fundacja Rozwoju Aktywnosci Miedzynarodowej i Edukacyjnej), Bulgaria (Pax Rhodopica Foundation), Romania (Universitatea Transilvania din Brasov), Italy (Prism Impresa Sociale S.R.L.) and Greece (Panepistimio Patron).

The project will develop four intellectual products: the DigitUni Toolkit, the DigitUni Distance Learning Toolkit, the DigitUni Distance Learning Manual and the DigitUni e-Platform, an Interactive Library.

The researchers from the Faculty of Sociology and Communication and Faculty of Letters, from Transilvania University of Brasov will also contribute to the development of these intellectual products, during the project implementation period: January 1, 2022 – December 31, 2023.

The main objective of the project “Digital readiness and capacity building of humanities professors in universities through partnership with digital technologies companies” (DigitUni) is to support the digital transformation and to strengthen the capacity of humanities professors to provide high-quality, inclusive, digital education through development of their digital competences and strengthening their cooperation with companies-experts in digital technologies.

The concrete aims of the project are:

  • To increase the capacity and improve the readiness of Humanities departments in universities to implement online, blended and distance teaching in a hybrid or online environment through strengthening & expanding of the digital pedagogical skills and competences of their staff.
  • To enable humanities professors & assistants to deliver high quality inclusive digital education though development of innovative methods for overcoming of existing barriers and difficulties with the support of leading companies in digital technologies.
  • To adapt the existing tools and to create new digital resources to be used in the hybrid/online education process.
  • To establish collaboration between digital technologies companies and humanities university departments.